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Pura Vida!

The countdown to a long overdue trip to Costa Rica began back in August 2008 as I eagerly tore open a gorgeous wedding invitation from two very special friends from New York.

I was finally due for some quality time with a group of some of my closest friends. Away from responsibilities, city life, and stress, I don't think any of us could have imagined a more perfect destination to revel in one another's company.

After a brief stopover in the States (hello, goodbye!) I hopped my second plane overflowing with anticipation...destination: Liberia.

I truly think that there is nothing quite as invigorating and life-affirming as that first breath of air that you take when you arrive to a new place. Whether the pollution of Mumbai or the crisp mountain air of Denver, you know immediately when you are on the precipice of something new.

Stepping off the plane, surrounded by the darkness of the Costa Rican countryside, I was hit with a breeze filled with sweet odors that had me bristling with excitement of my unknown adventures ahead.

As luck would have it, I landed at the same time as another plane carrying two couples from New York. Jetlagged and giddy, I followed them through twisting roads and the dark night down the coast towards Tamarindo.


Second only to the first breath of air in a new place is the feeling of waking up to a new day in a place you arrived to in the dark of night. Despite my 24-hour day of travel, jetlag got me up in time for a beautiful sunrise walk on Tamarindo's long and sprawling beach.

Fully taking in my new surroundings, I basked in two long walks, a yoga session, a swim, and two breakfasts until I was finally reunited with our friends as people slowly made their way out of bed and down to the beach.

Affectionately known as Tamagringo by the locals, Tamarindo may have its touristy elements but I found it to be so small and quaint that it wasn't even close to the Cancun circus I had anticipated. The hotel was beautifully appointed, with lush grounds and friendly staff, and despite being filled with tourists, was surprisingly quiet and peaceful.

The wedding was set against the backdrop of the beach and a stunning sunset, one of many to come. Sprinkled with Indian overtones, the couple was married under a white canopy billowing in the breeze as we all reveled in the smoke, flower petals, sitar music and boldly colored saris around us.

As the night grew dark we were entertained by amazing fire dancers who eventually led our way to dinner - a tantalizing assortment of Costa Rica's fresh vegetables, fruits and seafood. We danced like there was no tomorrow to classics then made our way down the beach to Mama's Deli, a restaurant which turns into a nightclub.

With the waves lashing the shore far away in low tide, and the beats of our favorite New York DJ's flowing, we danced and cuddled the night away as the full moon set over the ocean...a night for the books and a most amazing beginning to our week ahead.

Playa del Coco

Fifteen of us eventually made our way up to Playa del Coco where we had arranged to stay in Sleepy Hollow, a cliffside villa overlooking the bay. From our amazing vantage point, we shared our lives, ate great meals, partied and took off on adventures throughout the Guanacaste region for the next six days...

The After After After party

Still riding the high from the ceremony and celebrations, Monday we hosted an after-after-after party at the house for those who remained in the area. The night was a resounding success, combining old friends and new, amazing music, another stunning sunset, and the peaceful feeling of freedom that comes with a true lack of agenda in a beautiful tropical setting surrounded by amazing people.

Playa de las Avellanas

After straggling out of bed early the next day, four of us headed back down the coast to drop off the sound equipment in Tamarindo, then continued south, eventually turning off onto a long gravel road with no end in sight, until we arrived at Playa de las Avellanas. Pura Vida at last.

I've heard the expression associated with Costa Rica before. But only a few relaxing days into my trip was I finally able to internalize the local credo.

*Pura Vida is a beach side cafe serving up bright dishes of the freshest fruits and vegetables you've had in ages.

*Pura Vida is lazily swinging in a hammock until the sound of the waves and the warm sun peeking through palm trees lulls you to sleep.

*Pura Vida is walking along a rugged coast, hiding in the trees from the incoming tide, and feeling nature's power surrounding you.

*Pura Vida is wishing for a coconut, whack! having one cut down for you, and savoring in its fresh water and pulp.

*Pura Vida is finding the best log in the world, smooth from waves, sitting on it with a great friend and laughing together as the waves try to pull you off into the ocean.

*Pura Vida is hunting for a pig named Lola who is either napping in the shade or cooling off in the water, depending on the time of day.

*Pura Vida is watching a one and a half year old soulfully strum a guitar and belt out made up lyrics on a sunsoaked beach.

*Pura Vida is watching quietly as the day winds down, reflecting on the sun set, surrounded by people all quietly internalizing their own Pura Vida.

Snorkeling around Papagayo Peninsula

On Thursday we rented snorkel equipment and piled into two boats for a day of sun, sea and barbecue on the Papagayo Peninsula. We jetted along the coast and stopped twice to snorkel with our guides helping us find the best fish. After chasing colorful fish and manta rays we ended up on a beach in a small nearby cove where dorado tacos and other local delicacies awaited us. We explored caves, befriended the world's largest iguana, and napped in the sun before slowly making our way back home.

Playa Conchal

On our last day together we hopped our 4x4's and made our way south towards Playa Conchal.

After a drive on the beach and a little off-roading, we pulled up to a majestic white beach made up of crushed shells. As the tide pulled in we gathered into a little round clearing in the trees, enjoyed a picnic and savored in cool refreshing dips in the ocean.

All smiles, it was a perfect way to round out the perfect week.

Shouts to the ETERNAL BLISS CREW! You warmed my heart and soul and gave me all the reason in the world to believe that no matter where my travels and life take me, I always have the love of very special people indeed...

ps...thanks to whomever took the stunning picture of our own DJ Stadenco rocking the sunset at our villa!!
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